Market Map Maker
Map industries and markets in seconds.
Create market maps without wasting hours of time on painstaking company classification, image optimization, and maintenance.
Request a demoTrusted by the world’s smartest companies
Steal our analysts’ work.
Why start an industry market map from scratch when our analysts can do 90% of the work for you? From AI to blockchain to digital health to fintech, clone Market Maps created by our team and then customize to your preference.
View success storyWe review twice as many companies with the confidence that we have a full view of the market.
Anne Wellington Former Managing Director, Cedars-Sinai Accelerator
ID & classify without the hassle
Own your taxonomy.
Weeks of Googling to find companies is a thing of the past. And Market Map Maker lets you easily create your own classifications and categories to organize your companies and structure the industry landscape.
Visualize easily.
Pictures work. Use them.
Simply click Auto-Build, select how you want to filter companies and choose the categories you want included. Done.
View videoIt helps us compress our time-to-decision when analyzing data and getting an external view on what’s happening in the market so we can quickly take action.
Meraj Mohammad GM/VP, ADP Ventures
Present and share
Your next presentation just got easier.
Invite teammates to your Market Map on the platform. Or download it and drop into a presentation.
Ready to get started?
Let’s talk.
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