APIs and data feeds

APIs and data feeds for market and company insight

Double verified, continually refreshed.

APIs and data feeds trusted by

  • Top 3 US wireless carrier
  • Fortune 500 global services leader
  • World’s leading cloud computing platform
  • Silicon Valley's most influential venture capital firm
  • A big four professional services firm


Your corporate brain just got bigger

All the company and market data you expect. With insight you can’t get anywhere else.

Company Data & Insights

Dataset Description Data & Insights only from CB Insights
Company Profiles
Profiles on private companies, public companies, and investors. Includes general information like location, headcount, and industry, and proprietary data like business model, competitor scores, and expert curated lists.
Business Model Expert Collection Competitor Scores Latest Valuation
Financial Transactions
Funding deals, cap table history, M&A, and IPOs plus AI-generated insights that extract key themes.
Deal Insights Deal Valuation Cap Table History
Business Relationships
Partnership, client/vendor, and licensing activity plus AI-generated insights to predict future M&A and shifts in strategy.
Business Relationship Insights
Management & Board
Leadership team, board members, and Management Mosaic score — our proprietary algorithm evaluating leadership teams based on past achievements.
Mosaic Management Score
Proprietary data science analysis of commercial maturity, health, and exit probability. Proven to predict winners better than top VCs.
Commercial Maturity Mosaic Overall Health Score Mosaic Money Score Mosaic Momentum Score Mosaic Market Score Mosaic Management Score IPO Probability Exit Probability
Public Company Earnings
Financial metrics and AI-generated insights that compare earnings calls over time to uncover major shifts in strategy.
Earnings Insights
Private Company Scouting Reports
On-demand, AI-generated insights into business model, market position, strengths, and opportunities.
Scouting Report Sources

Market Data & Insights

Dataset Description Data & Insights only from CB Insights
Technology Market Profiles
Quantitative and real-time view on technology markets, curated by CBI analysts and analyzed with CBI data science.
Name Description Industry Sub-Industry Participants ESP Score Win Reasons Key Product Features Key Customer Outcomes Market Metrics
Expert Research
Reports about trends, strategies, and technologies from industry experts, including the world's largest library of Generative AI research.
Research Reports

Conversational Insights

Dataset Description Data & Insights only from CB Insights
Derived from all data and insights referenced above
Direct Q&A with the CBI database. The fastest, most powerful way to research markets and companies.
Query Response Sources

Use cases

Grow your revenue and investment returns with our API

Put our data and insights to work. In your CRM to grow sales and partnerships. In your algorithms to spot promising investment opportunities. In your products and services to build disruptive offerings. In your data lake to drive company-wide strategic decisions.

Product • Research & Development

Build disruptive
products and services 

Trusted by
Big four professional services firm
Leading private company intelligence platform
Chief Data Officer

Drive enterprise-
wide strategic decisions

Trusted by
Fortune 500 professional services leader

Discover your next
investment opportunity

Trusted by
Top Silicon Valley VC firm
Top 10 global investment firm
Sales • Revenue Operations • Partnerships

Grow your sales and
partnership pipeline 

Trusted by
Top 3 US wireless carrier
Leading cloud computing platform

Conversational Insights

Tell your AI to call our AI

Conversational Insights is the fastest way to research companies and markets. Just ask a question, and our AI will respond with an answer based on our proprietary data and insights. Supercharge your own internal or customer-facing LLM-based applications by calling our AI with an API query, and get back precise responses powered by data and insight you won’t find anywhere else.

Learn more about our API and data feeds